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101 Social Media Posts that Get Your More Etsy Sales

101+ Social Media Posts

that Get You MORE Etsy Sales


Do you ever sit there and stare at the facebook post box and just panic, not knowing what to say?

Feeling worried about how people will respond, if they will like the post, what will happen if they don't comment, will it turn them off, will I even get any sales?

I've been there! 

I used to do the same. exact. thing. 

Until I started using this  101+ Social Media Posts content calendar which grew my sales, grew my audience, increased engagement and grew my revenue in less time than I was ever spending on social media!

 Because let's be honest. When I was scared to post, my audience was actually waiting to hear from me.

They were waiting for that next product.

They were waiting to see what I do during the day.

They were waiting to see what fabric I was going to pick next for the dress pattern I was making for them.

They were waiting to see other customers wearing patterns from my shop. 

They were waiting to hear from me and my brand.

Just like they're waiting for YOU. 

Let's not keep them hanging, because you're missing out on sales that mean more money in your pocket!

And let's help YOU get more confident selling AUTHENTICALLY so you can make more sales and more money each month!

The difference between feeling SPAMMY and selling AUTHENTICALLY is the way you build relationships with your audience. 

Building relationships let them see YOU, your brand, your creative space, learn fun facts about your business....learn the WHY behind doing what you do...

They want to get to know you. 

Then they want to see more....

I always break it down to 5 marketing strategies when it comes to writing out your content posts for the week. 

*Posts that Create a Connection

*Posts that share Social Proof

*Posts that give you Market Research

*Posts that SELL

*Posts that Grow your Audience

The GOAL is to move your audience towards where you want to take them (your shop, your new product, an old product...)

You lead them. 

Imagine tiny breadcrumbs guiding them exactly where you want them to go. 

Social Media marketing is strategic and planned out, so you actually get the results you want. 

It's all about connecting with your audience, creating for your audience and converting them to customers. 

Writing the RIGHT CONTENT drives free, high converting traffic straight to your Etsy shop. 

It doesn't take hours to do this. 

Especially when it's done for you!

I've learned over the past 10 years and 32,000 Etsy sales, which posts actually get me results and I want the same for you!

No more wondering what to post

No more feeling spammy

No more anxiety waiting to see how many likes you get

No more feeling embarrassed posting to your followers


101+ Posts to Bank On Turns Your Fans into FUND$!  


It’s a done for you social media content calendar that I’ve used to generate multi six figures in sales since I started.


And I’m sharing it with you so you can:


*have more time each week to spend creating

*have more energy to work on filling orders

*have more time to create new products

*have more energy to be with your family

*save money making things you THINK will sell, but don’t

*confidently create social media posts each week

*strategically post to build a relationship with them

*learn how to post that grows your audience

*learn how to track your results to see what posts make you more money

*learn how to track your audience growth

*grow your traffic and sales without wasting hours on social media


It’s all about strategy and I’m so excited to share it with you!


You not only get 101+ Posts to Bank On Content that Turns Fans into Funds

But you also get video tutorials that show you exactly how to use it


A tracker to track your results and watch your sales GROW!

(So you KNOW it is working!)


Never worry again about what to post on social media!


This content calendar is so simple you can start posting TODAY!


Literally --- it's that easy!


 I can't wait to hear what you think!!

 101+ Posts to Bank On Turns Your Fans into FUND$!  for $11!


50% Complete

Two Step

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