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21 Tik Tok Posting Ideas to Promote Your Handmade Business on TikTok

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2022

If you're a crafter or creative business owner, you know that marketing your products or services can be a challenge. You've probably tried a lot of different platforms, from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter, but you're always looking for new ways to reach potential customers. Well, have you considered TikTok?


Why You Should Consider TikTok for Your Handmade Business

TikTok is a social media platform with over 2 billion monthly active users. Whether you're an artist, boutique, small business or just trying to stay in touch with friends and family, TikTok is a great way to reach your target audience. Plus, its wide range of filters make it easy to create professional-looking videos.

Here are 5 reasons why you should consider using TikTok for your handmade business:

  • TikTok is universal: Anyone can use it regardless of age or location.
  • Video is more effective than stagnant photos 
  • It's cost effective: You can create high quality videos without spending a fortune on equipment or software.
  • It's fast and easy to share: Just tap the button and your video will be uploaded automatically to TikTok (and many other platforms).
  • It's interactive: Your viewers can comment, like and share your videos immediately. This interaction helps centralize marketing efforts around specific topics of interest for customers/clients rather than across multiple channels where messages may not get noticed as quickly怂

Ultimately, whether you have one video or dozens, TikTok gives you the ability to easily connect with potential customers and build relationships that could lead to more orders down the road.

It’s a great way for people to know, like and trust you so they can move to the next step which is buying. 


The Benefits of Promoting Your Handmade Business on TikTok

When it comes to communication, TikTok is second to none. Whether you are looking for a way to connect with new customers or simply want to share your latest creation with the world, this app can be very helpful in reaching a wide audience. Additionally, because of its short videos, TikTok is perfect for showcasing your handmade products and services. 


How to Create Engaging Content for Your Handmade Business on TikTok

Creating engaging content for your handmade business on TikTok is key to success. There are a number of ways to do this, but some key tips include using interesting and funny videos, creating videos that showcase your products or services in a unique way, and creating videos that are relevant to your target audience.

Do you need to dance or show your face?

The biggest thing I always get asked is, “Do I need to dance or show my face?”

Technically the answer is no.

There are many product based sellers that are successful simply by showcasing their products!

Their hands are in the photo and they move it around, make the product, share something funny about it in text.

But by showing yourself (even if just occasionally) they get to put a face behind a brand. 

This adds a more emotional connection and it builds a relationship foundation. They get to see who you are, know what you’re about, what you stand for, what you love to do…and they get to see your creativity at work!

One of the best ways to create engaging content for your business is to use funny videos. Not only will viewers find them entertaining, but they will also learn something new about your products or services. Additionally, using funny videos can help you stand out from the competition on TikTok.

Another key way to create engaging content for your handmade business on TikTok is to showcase your products or services in a unique way. For example, you could create a video that shows how your product is made or how it can be used. Additionally, you could create a video that shows how your product is different from other products on the market. This type of video will not only attract attention from potential customers, but it will also show off your creativity and innovation.

Finally, it is important to create videos that are relevant to your target audience. For example, if you are selling handmade jewelry, make sure to create videos that focus on jewelry design and trends. Additionally, if you are selling soap, make sure to create videos that focus on the ingredients and how they are used. By creating content that is relevant and engaging, you will increase the chances that viewers will click through to your website or social media page.


21 Tik Tok Posting Ideas to Promote Your Handmade Business on TikTok

Below are some ideas on how you can use TikTok to take your business to the next level:

  1. Introduce yourself - especially if you haven’t done so in awhile. New people find you all the time so don’t forget to do this every few weeks.
  2. Tell how you got started creating what you make. Was it a hobby?
  3. Tell why you started the business -- people love to know the why behind what you do!
  4. Studio tour --- yep, the mess and all! Show them where you work. What’s your daily view? Is it your kitchen table, a studio, a huge warehouse? Show it off!
  5. Have a pet that works near you all day long? Let people get to know him!
  6. What are you most proud of in your business?
  7. What’s your favorite current product and why?
  8. Meet the team - introduce people that help you (Heck, maybe even a pic of you and the post office crew!)
  9. Current best sellers - people love to know what other people are buying
  10. Pack an order together
  11. States / countries you’ve shipped to the past 30 days -- your business is world wide!
  12. Trends in your industry -- what’s up and coming?
  13. Inspiration -- how can they use your item, decorate with it, wear it…etc. 
  14. Customer review -- share those reviews for social proof!
  15. Ask them to vote THIS or THAT --- their feedback is market research
  16. How to use your products / explain the benefits / does it make their life easier, make them more stylish…
  17. Restock the shelves --- show yourself in time lapse video restocking (this is fun for sticker and planner makers too!)
  18. Show them behind the scenes sketches you make --- people love to see your brain in action --- share your creativity --- flip through your sketchbook of designs, high speed time lapse of you drawing out your next product…
  19. Market research ---ask them what color, scent, size…etc. of your product they want to see next
  20. Bloopers --- show something that went hilariously wrong! It keeps it fun!
  21. Thank them --- without an audience you wouldn’t have a business


How to Measure the Success of Your TikTok Campaigns for Your Handmade Business

Creating successful TikTok campaigns for your handmade business can be a daunting task, but by following some simple guidelines and employing the right strategies, you can hit your target audience and achieve success. In order to measure the success of your campaign, it's important to keep track of key metrics such as engagement rates, likes and comments. 

You can also check your stats if you are on etsy to see if your traffic is coming directly from social media where you are posting. 

Track the number of posts you do each day, week, month and your daily, weekly and monthly revenue. 

The more visible you get, the more money you can make. 

Finally, make sure to stay consistent with your marketing efforts in order to maximize results.


Mistakes to Avoid on Tik Tok

When marketing your handmade business on TikTok, there are a few things to avoid. One of the biggest mistakes made by entrepreneurs is not creating engaging content that people want to see. Instead of posting boring pictures of products over and over, focus on creating entertaining, humorous videos that people will want to share with their friends and using the list of 21 topics above.

Inconsistency is not going to get you there. 

People that post consistently for a week or two and then stop posting because they, “don’t know what else to say,” lose their momentum in the algorithm pretty quickly. Don’t let that happen to you. Instead make a plan and stick to it. Even if you post 1-2 x a week…keep it up.

Where to find relevant hashtags for Tik Tok

Another common mistake made when marketing a handmade business on TikTok is failing to use hashtags correctly. By including relevant and popular hashtags in your videos, you can help promote your content across all social media platforms. Additionally, using appropriate keywords in your titles and descriptions will boost traffic from search engines as well.

Here is a  tik tok hashtag generator that is free: 

TikTok hashtag generator - tiktokhashtags.com

There's no doubt that TikTok has taken the social media world by storm. With over a billion active users, it's an incredibly popular platform - especially among Gen Z. And that's why promoting your handmade business on TikTok can be such a great idea. Not only will you be able to reach a huge audience, but you'll also be able to connect with them in a fun and engaging way.

Of course, as with any social media platform, there are some things you'll need to keep in mind in order to be successful. But if you create engaging content and follow the tips in this article, you'll be well on your way to taking your handmade business to the next level with TikTok.

Resources for you:

Out of ideas on what to post on social media? 

Grab the 101+ Social Media Posts Content Calendar so you can turn your fans into funds.  

Grab your copy here.


Listen to my podcast, Handmade Sellers, episode #38 with Tik Tok Expert Austin Armstrong as he shares how to get more traffic and sales from Tik Tok without dancing.  

Click HERE to listen. 


Come join my Facebook group HERE where I share student success stories, sales and marketing strategies and let you promo your shop once a week!



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